Writing LowWriting MediumWriting HighIdea Development LowIdea Development MediumIdea Development HighMarketing LowMarketing MediumMarketing HighTribe LowTribe MediumTribe HighPublishin Process LowPublishin Process MediumPublishin Process HighSourceHidden 2Hidden 3Email HeaderThank you for taking the time to complete the Write That Book Quiz.Your individual report is compiled in the PDF attached.You'll receive more emails from me in the coming days. They're all designed to help you to write, publish and sell your book. Check your junk and spam folders and mark michaelsdesk@michaelheppell.com as a safe sender. Email FooterBe Brilliant!Michael HeppellPS You can order Write That Book the book and learn all the tools you need to successully write, publish and sell your book. Right now we have a fantastic flash sale. The details are here: www.WriteThatBook.co.uk PPS If you'd like to spend time with me and over 4,000 likeminded people, then please join my free Facebook Group.WritingAvailable values for Topic 1Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. Have you written your book?*NoI’ve startedI’m well on my way but not finishedYesThis field is required.How often do you write?*NeverLess than once a weekTwo or three times a weekEvery dayThis field is required.How good are you at writing?*I doubt my abilityI’m ok, but could do with some improvementI’m good, I work at it and I get positive feedbackI have a real gift, I’m a naturalThis field is required.Idea DevelopmentAvailable values for Topic 2Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. How creative are you?*I don’t think I have a creative bone in my body!I try to be creative but it doesn’t come naturallyI would describe myself as creativeI’m very creativeThis field is required.Do you suffer from writer's block?*Yes, it completely floors me, I don’t know how to get over itSometimes, depends on the projectOccasionally, I could do with some techniques to overcome itRarely, if it happens I have methods to get past itThis field is required.From where do you draw your inspiration?*I don't feel inspired at the momentI battle through until a good idea comesI read lots of different types of booksI’m able to take concepts and develop unique ideasThis field is required.MarketingAvailable values for Topic 3Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. How good are you at selling yourself?*Dreadful, I hate blowing my own trumpetI try but find it really cringeworthyI’m ok, but I’m better at selling other peopleI’m really good at thisThis field is required.Have you approached publishers or agents?*No, it’s too scary!I’d like to when I'm readyYes, but nothing has come of itYes, I’ve had a positive responseThis field is required.How clear is your understanding of listing your book and metadata?*What on earth is listing and metadata?I know a little but find it confusingI have a level understandingI’m super clear on thisThis field is required.Tribe BuildingAvailable values for Topic 4Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. How confident are you using social media?*Not at all, I’ve never really embraced itI use it in my personal life but not for professional stuffI could do with a bit of help but I’m generally confidentI’m absolutely fine with this, totally confidentThis field is required.Which social media platforms do you use?*NoneI prefer image based and short form copy platforms like Instagram and PinterestI like long form text based platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and TwitterI use them allThis field is required.How would you describe your current Tribe (people who follow your writing)?*Non existentA few friends and family membersI have a reasonable following with good engagementI have over 1,000 followers with great engagementThis field is required.Publishing ProcessAvailable values for Topic 5Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. How close are you to publishing your book?*Haven't started writing the book yetCurrently still writingMy book is written but not publishedAlready publishedThis field is required.How much do you understand about different publishing routes?*My knowledge is very basicI know the different routes but don’t know how to use themI have a good understandingI’m very clear on all the routes and know which one I preferThis field is required.How do you feel about self-publishing?*I wouldn’t do it, I want a book contractOnly if I can’t get a publishing dealI’m up for itIt’s my preferred choiceThis field is required.SegmentationHave you published a book?*YesNoThis field is required.What type of book do you plan to write (or have written)?*FictionNon fictionThis field is required.What type of fiction?*ChildrenAdultThis field is required.What type of non fiction?*BusinessPersonal developmentMemoir or biographyOtherThis field is required.How much would you pay to have your book published?*£1000+£500 - £1000I wouldn’t payThis field is required.Final Details*One final step before we email you through your PDF report which includes: Your score... Your key area(s) of improvement Quick suggestions to improve each key areaYour personalised report will be emailed to you along with relevant tips supporting your score. View our Privacy Policy * * This field is required.Identify the lowest topic numberDo not edit me. Showing the {N} lowest Key Areas of Improvement LOWEST(N) ~> LOWEST(2) HIGHEST(N) ~> HIGHEST(2) AND Check to is Total number of Highest / Lowest keys wanted to show on Appearance tab OR: use MIN / MAX and check to is Identify the lowest topic number on Appearance tab Topic 1 GapDo not edit me. Topic 2 GapDo not edit me.Topic 3 GapDo not edit me. Topic 4 GapDo not edit me.Topic 5 GapDo not edit me.Topic 1 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me Topic 2 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.Topic 3 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me Topic 4 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.Topic 5 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.General Feedback text for Overall score of 0-33%From your self-identified score, it appears you are struggling or frustrated with most aspects of writing, selling and publishing a book and you could really use some help.General Feedback text for Overall score of 34-66%From your self-identified score, it appears you are doing ok.The goal is to write, publish and sell your book. I’d like to help.Fulfilling one or two aspects isn’t enough.For example, even if a publisher loves your work you’ll still need to market and sell your own book.Read on to find out how.General Feedback text for Overall score of 67-100%From your self-identified score, it appears you are doing really well in the majority of areas needed to write, publish and sell a book. Brilliant!!But, you need results in all areas of the publishing journey, just one weak link in the chain can make all the difference.For example, even if a publisher signs you up, you still need to sell your own book.I can help, read on to find out how.Topic 1 Key Area of ImprovementWritingWriters write. Until you look at writing as a job it's unlikely that you will actually write enough quality words to merit publishing your book. This means you need to learn what top writers do. Here are three things that could help:Schedule the time to write Think of this in the same way as if you have a hair appointment, you’re visiting a friend, you have an important meeting with your boss - the time needs to be scheduled. And put it into your calendar.If you wrote 500 words last week, could you write 700 this week?If you managed to edit three chapters, how are you going to reward yourself?What can you do to make your writing fun?Believe me, sooner or later your writing will STOP becoming fun. You need a strategy to get you over the bumps.Create the right environment Often people try to sneak in a few minutes here and there to do their writing. This is a sure-fire way to set yourself up for failure.Make certain that you have a particular writing place, whether it's a spare bedroom, the kitchen table or the cupboard under the stairs. When you're there you only have one thing to do and that is write.Get into the habit of writing every day. Even if you're not ready to write your book, just write short stories, poems and keep a diary. The more you write the better you write.READ! One more thing while you're here, READ! All great writers are also great readers. The vast majority of people I meet who find it challenging to write also find it challenging to read. The two go hand in hand.Topic 2 Key Area of ImprovementIdea DevelopmentOne great idea isn’t enough. Multiple great ideas are the key to great writing. That means a great idea is a good start but without the evolution of the idea, it means nothing. And here’s the best bit. They don’t have to be new ideas.Sometimes writers get really hung up on the belief that they must be totally original. This is crazy because there are no original ideas. In fact, your readers don't want totally original ideas.Why do consumers enjoy certain products, adverts, books? Because of the three F’s;FluencyFeelingFamiliarityThat's why your idea, although it should feel original, can still have links to other ideas.After all, there are only seven stories.Whether you're writing fiction, non-fiction, children’s or a biography, don't get hung up on creating original ideas; think about evolving what's already there or what you already have.Topic 3 Key Area of ImprovementMarketingIt's a scary world to step into, to call yourself a marketer, but the truth is you're marketing all the time.Have you ever been enthusiastic about a new restaurant? Passionate enough about your grandchild’s project to show your friends? Maybe you're supporting a charity and you want as many people as possible to attend the open day? This is all marketing.Just talking about something enthusiastically you’re marketing. So how do you finesse it?These days it's never been easier to market yourself (for free!) using tools such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc that allow you to get your message to unlimited audiences. But how?Flip your thinking, instead of trying to think of new content, USE OTHER PEOPLE’S.Every time you comment on somebody's content, you put a deposit in their emotional bank account.Every time you share someone’s post, you put an even bigger deposit in their emotional bank account.And the more often you do this, the more you will become known as a person who supports others. This means that when you want to promote your book or your idea, those people will be more likely to support you.It's classic give to get.If you have any doubt about how this works, visit my Facebook Group and look at the people who are most prevalent on there. They are all adding content to the group AND supporting other people.Topic 4 Key Area of ImprovementTribe BuildingIf you pitch a publisher or agent, no matter how good you are at writing they're going to ask: How many followers do you have on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc? They might also want to know if you have a database and if so, how many people are on it.Basically, these days publishers and agents are extremely risk averse.Therefore, you need a Tribe. It doesn't have to be a huge Tribe, but it does need to be a Tribe of people who are interested in your work and who will buy your book.For example, if you are writing a book about a plant called Sepervivums* It's a pretty niche topic, but you know what you need to do; Find everyone who's interested in Sepervivums! That way, when you come to publish your book, you will have readers who want to buy it because you are seen as the authority (Author-ity) in that area.* Sepervivums for Enthusiasts is being published by a member of my Write That Book Masterclass. I know, brilliant!‘Ah Michael, that's fine if you're publishing a book about something very specialist and niche, but...' (and I usually brace myself here) '...I'm writing romantic fiction. How does that fit with me?’The answer?...Start by asking certain questions. Not everybody is interested in romantic fiction. Surprise! My 35-year-old son would rather stick pins in his eyes than read a romantic fiction book. However, my mum loves a good romantic fiction romp, she's on Facebook and could be part of your tribe.One area that interests my mum is fiction that’s set at a particular time in a particular area. It’s the sixties in Newcastle.Maybe you're writing a book like this? If so, you could tap into people who are interested in a particular time, place, country, religion, sect, age or whatever! Your job isn't to sell your book to everybody, nor is it to build a Tribe of everybody. Your job is to build a tribe of people who are interested in buying your book. Niche is nice.Focus on creating a tribe of people who you would enjoy hanging out with. Can you imagine hanging out with them? Can you imagine enjoying a nice glass of wine and talking about your story, your idea or your concept with them? It's those people who you want to be part of your world (your Tribe!).Topic 5 Key Area of ImprovementPublishing ProcessLet's face it, the idea of landing a massive publishing deal and being able to live off the royalties is every writer’s dream. The truth is, this only happens for a tiny percentage of authors.This doesn't mean that you shouldn't go for it. In fact, in my Write That Book events, I positively encourage people to do it; because even if you don't get a book deal, learning how to pitch gives you more confidence.It's worthwhile looking at the other routes to market. Here are three that you may want to consider:On demand self-publishing This is usually directly through Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). This is probably the easiest route, but it does have its downsides. Firstly, there are thousands of books published this way every week. Just because Amazon is publishing your book (actually hosting and printing – on demand – your book) the chances that it will receive promotion or any space on their site is slim. In fact, for ‘slim’ read ‘snowball in hell’s chance’.Hard Copy Print Run This is the traditional method of book publishing where you take the risk and publish (i.e. print) your book, keeping your fingers crossed that you don't end up with a garage full of unbought copies.Terrifying.HybridThen there's the hybrid route – but with YOU in the driving seat. This is now my preferred method of publishing. You can presell a number of books, print and sell exactly what you need; and at the right time switch to an on-demand publisher for a second bite of the cherry.The brilliant thing about using this method is that it eliminates all risk for you (remember you are the author and publisher) and if you get it right, it can give you a nice return in your bank account.Watch me liveLearn how to write, publish and sell your book with Write That Book, the book. All the details include an amazing offer are here: www.WriteThatBook.co.uk I'm going to send you some more emails packed with content to help you on your book writing andf publishing journey. Check your junk and spam folders and mark michaelsdesk@michaelheppell.com as a safe sender. If you'd like to spend time with me and over 4,000 likeminded people, then please join my free Facebook Group. Topic 1 Detailed Text for 0-33%dTopic 1 Detailed Text for 34-66%dTopic 1 Detailed Text for 67-100%dTopic 2 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 2 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 2 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 3 Detailed Text for 0-33%dTopic 3 Detailed Text for 34-66%dTopic 3 Detailed Text for 67-100%dTopic 4 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 4 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 4 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 5 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 5 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 5 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 1 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic. Topic 2 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.Topic 3 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic. Topic 4 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.Topic 5 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.TestimonialsTestimonial 1“Write That Book is one of the best things I have ever done. It now feels like my book has existed forever, it is a living part of me that will live on long after I have departed.”Ian PilbeamAuthor of Are We There Yet?Testimonial 2Write That Book gave me a real sense of achievement and feeling like I’ve passed an exam with 100% top marks!Heather StevensAuthor of Beyond The BreedOverall Total NumberAdd in ALL questions below. This will simply add up all questions and give a total number of points for all. Overall Current PercentageCreation note: Change "40" to the number of total points available in this quiz. E.g. Total of 6 questions is 4x6 = "24". Total of 8 questions is 4x8 = "32". etc All topics have 100% scored - MessageDont change Label Final score is LowDo not edit me. Final score is MediumDo not edit me. Final score is HighDo not edit me. Key Area(s) of Improvement TitleThe number 1 of lowest topic